Introduction To The Confident Woman Blog post
I would like to begin by thanking everyone that has read and commented on my blog and subscribers who follow me on bebby's blog. It would not be complete without a Confident Woman Feature, you guys rock. Welcome to The Confident Woman blog, to be called the "CONFIDENT WOMEN DIARIES". The Confident woman started as a desire to inspire women through the use of social media and to uplift women and put a smile on their faces with stories that . It will be a platform to learn and discuss issues such as Entrepreneurship, Family, Marriage, Technology and Women, Fashion, work and so much more. Women have to be confident, resilient and supportive of one another. Women are gifted and talented to multitask, as such have the ability to achieve a lot in a day. They should learn to drive other women for success and be a support system to one another. My parents has four (4) girls and made us understand we can be anything we want to be. My dad made us understand the importance of prep...