
Opportunities Lost

Have you ever lost some opportunity or opportunities in the past? Do you ever sit and be like " Oh I should have just done this or  instead...?"  Do I have regrets, Yes! This makes me wonder, what informs the decisions that we make? How do you determine what you should pursue against what you should not? What do you say Yes or No to? The general meaning of opportunity by is a favorable situation that provides one with the a chance to progress. Other definitions simply puts it as a chance or set time that makes it possible to do something.  Opportunities come in different ways on a daily basis, e.g. every day presents us with an opportunity to be kind, to love, laugh, have pleasure, learn, impact others, save someone, teach someone, make a big impact in the world around us, indulge, appreciate, cry, succeed at something, progress etc. We just have not realized how much opportunities we fail to see daily in our lives and interactions with people to see the beauty o

Family Fitness: Building Stronger Bonds, Healthier and Happier Lives!

# A family that exercise together, stays together - says Bebby! We live in a fast-paced world and the modern family is an active family, finding time for family bonding can be a real challenge.  Nothing beats family time but as the saying goes, "Kill two birds with one stone"   means there's a possibility you could combine quality time with your loved ones and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle? In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating fitness into your family routine and provide practical tips on how to make it an enjoyable and sustainable part of your lifestyle. The Importance of Family Fitness: Family is the basic unit in society that consist of parents and the children they are raising.  Our responsibilities as parents transcends provision of basic necessities such as food, shelter, education and med

Cleaning supplies for your home by sparkit kleen

Hi, rember how we said we intend to do a whole lot of blogging? well this is it, a tip of the iceberg, a lot more to come. Tell me what do you think?

Introduction To The Confident Woman Blog post

I would like to begin by thanking everyone that has read and commented on my blog and subscribers who follow me on bebby's blog. It would not be complete without a Confident Woman Feature, you guys rock. Welcome to The Confident Woman  blog, to be called the "CONFIDENT WOMEN DIARIES". The Confident woman started as a desire to inspire women through the use of social media and to uplift women and put a smile on their faces with stories that . It will be a platform to learn and discuss issues such as Entrepreneurship, Family, Marriage, Technology and Women, Fashion, work and so much more. Women have to be confident, resilient and supportive of one another.  Women are gifted and talented to multitask, as such have the ability to achieve a lot in a day. They should learn to drive other women for success and be a support system to one another. My parents has four (4) girls and made us understand we can be anything we want to be. My dad made us understand the importance of prep

What I learnt in my 30s

Just turned 30? Welcome to club 30 LOL Where we are not to old to have fun but old enough to know when to stop. Here we go guys, your life is waiting to begin. Okay, I have been thirty for like hmm 3 to 4 years now. Let me officially say I am still a learner, but from what I have seen so far, a lot did change. I must say that I grew up.  The time I turned 30, my baby sister Dr. Fay , I can't remember why said to me "auntie you are getting old o"  Ah! Okay I felt a bit of fear. I had a lot that I hadn't achieved in my 20's, things I thought I'd have achieved before 30. Example, I had planned to get married at 22 years old and have about 6 beautiful kids before 30. I am super serious right now.  It didn't happen. Just out of curiosity, how much of what you had high hopes for happened for you?  My University Education didn't even happen as planned.  Life did happen for sure. As most people would say. I was wise in my 20's, I got wiser in my 30s. We a

Confident Ladies

Would like to begin by thanking all readers on bebby's blog.  It has been such a long time, sorry for the long silence. Thankfully, I'm back with more spice and as a better blogger. It would not be complete without a Confident Woman Feature, you guys rock. Welcome toThe Confident Woman  blog also to be called the Confident Woman Diaries. The Confident woman series began as a desire to inspire women through the use of social media. It is also a medium to encourage women out there and put a smile on their faces. Learn from each other, build and lift each other with words of encouragement. I would have posts varying from fashion tips, relationships such as personal, workplace, social e.t.c. and how to be on top of things. Women must be encouraged to be confident and not let people pull them down with words or actions, but be able to confidently stand unfazed. Women are gifted and talented multi-taskers, as such have the ability to achieve a lot in a day. Th

How to cope in this rainy season

How to get by in this rainy season  By Bebby Ima Life they say is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but it's about learning to dance in the rain. I used to be really pissed  about the rainy season......okay truthfully, I still am.  I remember being a kid and it rained so hard on this particular day, all day precisely and i was really scared. To add salt to injury, my siblings told me the world was about to end and to go pack my belongings so we can leave, ah I cried and ran into the room to pack, just then they began to laugh. Who does that to a kid? well-done big bro and sisters (culprits). I just do not understand why the rain won't fall with moderation, you know? like start, pause for a few days then make it rain again. You know you do share the same sentiments as mine. Last night, I thought and jotted several intriguing topics to blog about and voila! The showers through the night struck me.  My readers would like to read about coping with this ever pouri